In this blog we have often talked about the subject of evergreen content and its importance especially in the long term.
In general, all the content that is produced on the network, more or less useful, is used to implement any content strategy , but if we pause a moment to analyze the types of content (real-time, blogpost, social content, whitepaper , and so on) we will realize how clear the differences and the purposes with which they are created are.
We can divide the contents into:
- Flash: that is the contents that are born, live for the expected time (one does not go beyond the week) and then lose their effectiveness;
- Interminable: it corresponds to those types of content that always live, are useful and can be updated, so they are reusable.
In the first case we bring back all those promotional campaigns, or contents for the social networks, that live for the moment in which they are displayed, have a limited utility character and are hardly recovered over time because, in a short time, they are obsolete or simply do not have more meaning to exist.
In the second category, instead, fall the very powerful evergreen content that, on the contrary, always produce a value of traffic or conversion, because they have achieved the main objective: positioning themselves on a search engine for a specific keyword (commercial or not) ).
How many contents become EVERGREEN?
Considering the 26 years of activity of the brand, to which 26 years of content correspond, it would be easy to reach the conclusion or amazon restricted products approval that what was produced in the past is now lost or buried in the information overload, but it is not.
Thanks to the dynamics of the network, in particular of search engines, and to the uncontrollable desire to discover users, any information that is no longer fresh is more than alive and active.
What does it mean? Simple! If it is true that the new contents represent the engine that feeds and revives the business, on a daily basis, in reality the "always green" contents are the wind that allows us to give breathe to a publishing plan. In particular, it reads in a slide of the intervention, the evergreen content would occupy as much as 40% of all the contents produced, while the remaining 60% is assigned to fresh content.
On balance, therefore, we have a more than substantial percentage that confirms how much the life of some articles, whitepapers, lists, etc. can be longer than you think. Welcome to the evergreen world!
In essence, in 40% we end up with content that has an age that goes from one week to more than 6 months, but mind you, we are certainly not talking about light or thick content. If we went to the bottom, we would certainly find that we are talking about a content born and studied for a specific purpose.
How to create an evergreen content?
So how do you create content that has the characteristic of lasting over time?
Step 1
It is clear that obtaining a product that lasts over time must be a choice that goes upstream, which comes from careful planning above all of what users ask of a site , or the queries with which users arrive on the site. In short, an evergreen content is a response to a specific need.
Step 2
The choice of theme is followed by a specific choice of how the content should be organized. The main thing is to dissect the argument so that each transversal, or related, element is developed to be complete and rich in value.
In this way the user will find answers to more questions and maybe, once he has found the content, obtained a benefit as an answer to a problem, he will decide to make it available to his community, re-triggering the sharing process.
Step 3
Finally, let the content live, which unleashes its potential and receive the response from the public. The rest is a job of waiting and gathering results. It is advisable, once the success has been established, to provide for a continuous updating of the content so that it can be really considered timely.
These data shared by Wired teach us that we must not underestimate the power of a content over time, especially if there is quality work at its base, which brings quality day after day. Where are you placed with your EVERGREEN?