You have a static website and you know which framework fits you and your project the best. But how to integrate the framework into the website? How to split the design into components, handle routing between pages and define where child pages should display their specific content?
Making a website dynamic is a very exciting step in its development. It feels like when you install a game and you launch it for the first time, or when you buy a new phone and unbox it. Vue.js helps you achieve this moment very quickly. Creating components and putting them together is like building your website out of Lego pieces. Let’s get to it and have fun!
Integrating Vue.js
Having picked the right framework for my website, I can start integrating all the parts together. What are those parts?
HTML template-markup
Website logic? Vue.js and its components
Content for all the components?—?all services providing data via their APIs
Have you ever heard about JAMstack? It’s a modern web development architecture based on these three parts that I outlined above. There are some additional best practices on their website, but we will get to those later.
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Let’s get started with the website development. First, we need to add Vue.js library into our main HTML template. If you plan to have multiple pages, you will also need Vue.js router. Add both before the ending of a Head tag.
<! — development version, includes helpful console warnings ?
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Secondly, we need to pick an element that wraps up Vue.js functionality. Vue.js does not necessarily need to control your whole website, but only a small part of it. However, in our case we want Vue.js to control the whole page. Therefore, we can pick the top most element and assign an ID to it if it does not have one yet.
<body class="is-preload">
<div id="page-wrapper">
<header id="header" class="alt">
Good job! We now have the main page ready for Vue.js components.
Laying out the components
When you start cutting your website into smaller pieces, the process is to some extent always the same regardless of used technology or framework. There are always parts of the page that will be displayed on all pages, like the main menu and footer. These form your master page, or in our case the master template. Let’s take a look at how those parts look like on my design.
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Header including main menu
Footer including contact form
Everything else that is in between is interchangeable based on page context. In other words, the highlighted parts always stay the same. It’s the middle that changes based on the URL.
First of all let’s create two empty files:
Put them in a folder assets/js (you can pick any other if you prefer) and reference them in the website. Add these assets before the ending of the Body tag. If there is any other JavaScript functionality, make sure to include these files before any other that may change the HTML markup.
<script src="assets/js/components.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/app.js"></script>
On my website there are 3 pages, so in total I will have 3 URLs and 3 main components on my page:
Blog page
About me page
Master template
The main HTML file will be used as master template for the whole website. Therefore we need to remove all page-specific content and leave only those elements that will be displayed on all pages throughout the website. When I do that and open the page in browser, I see this:
There is a header with menu (1), contact form with footer (2) and the yellow empty place is where content of all my child pages will appear. Remember that we included Vue.js router along the main Vue.js framework library? The router is going to handle all navigation for us and it will ensure that each child page is rendered in this master template. We just need to tell the router where to render them. In your HTML code find a place marked by the yellow stripe and add the following component there:
This tells the router to use this place for rendering child pages and their components. We also need to adjust links in main navigation from usual atags to router links, see my implementation:
<li><router-link to="/">Home</router-link></li>
<li><router-link to="/blog">Blog</router-link></li>
<li><router-link to="/about">About</router-link></li>
If there are any other parameters on your atags, you can use them with router-link tags too. Vue.js router will make sure they appear in the final HTML code.
Congratulations, this makes your master template finished.
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Child pages
Because my website is small and we are aiming for an easy implementation, child pages will not have their physical interpretation. However, if you have a lot of pages and want to separate them using physical files, it is possible. In that case I suggest using a compiler to generate one final minimized JavaScript file of your implementation.
First of all, let’s initialize our Vue.js application and routes in app.js file. Routes are coming directly from the list of pages above so the implementation could look like this:
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/blog', component: Blog },
{ path: '/about', component: About }
const app = new Vue({
el: '#page-wrapper',
We create the router instance and pass it URLs of all our pages and components names. We do not have those components yet so I just used names of corresponding pages and will create components with the same names later.
Every Vue.js application is brought to life by creating instance of the Vue class and connecting it to an element. In my case it is a div with id page-wrapper?—?the top level element just under body tag. The instance also needs to know we want to use Vue.js router, that is why router instance is passed into the main instance.
The last thing we need to do is to define components for each page. Note that we need to create them before the definition of the Vue application, otherwise they will not be known to Vue.js.
Remember the deleted code from the master template? That is the content of our homepage component. Let’s define it:
const Home = {
template: `
<section id="banner">
<div class="inner">
<div class="logo">
<h2>Ondrej Polesny</h2>
<p>Developer Evangelist + dog lover + freelance bus driver</p>
<section id="wrapper">
<section id="one" class="wrapper spotlight style1">
<div class="inner">
<router-link to="/about" class="image"><img src="images/pic01.png" alt="" /></router-link>
<div class="content">
<h2 class="major">Kentico</h2>
<router-link to="/about" class="special">Continue</router-link>
<section id="two" class="wrapper alt spotlight style2">
<section id="three" class="wrapper spotlight style3">
<section id="four" class="wrapper alt style1">
<div class="inner">
<h2 class="major">Latest blog posts</h2>
... <!-- list of blogs -->
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="/blog" class="button">See all</a></li>
You see it is a lot of HTML markup and it makes our app.js file quite big and unreadable. Moreover, some content is also displayed on other pages. For example the list of blog articles or texts about me.
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This is where components come into the mix. Components represent pieces of reusable content that can be separated out. They can also contain functionality like gathering content from external services, rewriting their markup and content based on user actions or for example perform some calculations. Let’s take a look how I optimized the homepage to use components:
const Home = {
template: `
<section id="wrapper">
<section id="four" class="wrapper alt style1">
<div class="inner">
<h2 class="major">Latest blog posts</h2>
<blog-list limit="4"></blog-list>
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="/blog" class="button">See all</a></li>
It is important to identify the components correctly. They need to be independent and cover specific functionality or markup. Take a look at how I separated them out:
Note that some controls are outside of yellow areas that mark the respective components. For example, look at the Blog list component. You see that the button “See all”, paragraph introducing the section and its header are excluded from the component. The reason is that Blog list component will also be used on Blog page where these texts will be different and button “See all” will not be displayed at all. Therefore the component should include only reusable pieces of content and markup.
I added the definitions of these components to components.js file. They can be used independently so if you want to separate them further, you can.
Banner is the simplest of these components. It does not contain any functionality, just HTML markup. See how it looks like below:
Vue.component('banner', {
template: `
<section id="banner">
<div class="inner">
<div class="logo">
<span class="icon">
<img src="images/profile-picture.jpg" alt="" />
<h2>Ondrej Polesny</h2>
<p>Developer Evangelist + dog lover + freelance bus driver</p>
Every component needs to have a unique name (banner) and a template, which is just a HTML markup. Usually components also contain data and other functions they need for their functionality. Take a look at the Blog list component:
Vue.component('blog-list', {
props: ['limit'],
data: function(){
return {
articles: [
url: '',
header: 'How to start creating an impressive website for the first time',
image: '',
teaser: `VueJS`
template: `
<section class="features">
<article v-for="article in articles">
<a :href="article.url" class="image"><img :src="article.image" alt="" /></a>
<h3 class="major">{{article.header}}</h3>
<a :href="article.url" class="special">Continue reading</a>
In the scope of the Blog list component I want to list latest blog posts. I also want to be able to limit the number of displayed posts as on the home page there are only 4 latest articles, thus I introduced a limit property. I will use it later when the content comes from the content service. The limit will be set in markup when using the component: <blog-list limit="4">.
In the template (markup) there is a simple v-for cycle that iterates over an array of articles. The colon :href before any attribute means it will be resolved by Vue.js to specified variable, for example article URL. Curly brackets {{article.teaser}} have the same effect.
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The articles are defined in the data property within an object. Later I will show you how to store this content outside of a component, in a headless CMS. That is a content service in cloud. But don’t worry, no money will be spent as we will use free plan of headless CMS Kentico Cloud.
The last component “About overview” looks very similar so let’s skip it for now and take a look how to glue components and pages together and create two still missing pages?—?About and Blog.
Creating other pages
These two pages?—?About and Blog?—?will be created the same way as Home page. Note that we are not really creating components, but pages. Therefore there will be no Vue.component() definition, but a simple object with one property?—?template. These objects will go into app.js file. Let’s take a look at Blog page:
const Blog = {
template: `
<section id="wrapper">
<div class="inner">
<h2>Blog posts</h2>
<p>Here you can see list of all blog posts that I published.</p>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="inner">
You see, this page got really simple as the Blog list component could have been reused.
Remember when we were creating routes for Vue.js router before? We connected each route with a non-existing identifier described as a component.
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/blog', component: Blog },
{ path: '/about', component: About }
In reality, these components are pages. Pages that we just now created as simple objects and assigned them to constants. Note that name of these constants must match names of components of respective routes. For example, page on /blog route needs to be defined as object in constant Blog.
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Finishing up
When you have all your components and pages defined, open your master template and see the results. The website is dynamic even though we did not use any server side rendering technology. Both routing and rendering of components is done by Vue.js.
One last tip?—?if you are seeing an incomplete website, chances are you have a typo in one of the JavaScript files. Open up your browser’s console by hitting F12 (or CTRL+SHIFT+C) and switch to Console tab. You will see the cause of the error there.