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“They asked me how much should they pay, I had no idea!” – Krithika, Founder of Kaya shastra : A natural body care products brand

“They asked me how much should they pay, I had no idea!” – Krithika, Founder of Kaya shastra : A natural body care products brand

“They asked me how much should they pay, I had no idea!” – Krithika, Founder of Kaya shastra : A natural body care products brand

Krithika Prasad is the organizer of Kaya shastra, a brand that makes characteristic body care items. She is an Electronics engineer, who at that point did lone wolves in Marketing Management and bosses in Telecom Marketing Management. She is a visitor RJ and naming craftsman for side interest, with 20+ long periods of expert involvement with information examination, client experience and item the board. Today, she is a lady business person who deals with her image alongside her sister, to achieve mindfulness regular compound items we use. Krithika imparts to WomenpreneursOfIndia – WOI, about her business venture. 

You can do it. You don't need to know it all before you start. Have a solid decent vision. Venture out. That is it. Universe will plan. 

I read the accompanying statement when I was in sixth norm – "Thought have extremely solid vibratory force". I don't know of the book name or writer but rather the statement remained with me until the end of time. What would say I have understood that each and every idea shows in some structure or other. whatever I am today is from the idea I had sooner or later of time. 

About my initial years, however I loathed going to class yet adored learning and getting things. Individuals used to flee from me as I had the inquiry 'why' toward the finish of each answer. I pay attention to my diversion very. I do public broadcasts as visitor RJ, I am additionally a naming craftsman, promotion voice craftsman, IVR voice. Furthermore, for proficient profession – I investigated everything from coding, R&D, project the executives, deals, showcasing. In spite of the fact that I attempted a great deal of work streams, I sorted out my adoration for information examination, client experience and item the board. Thus, I sought after these for an exceptionally significant time-frame. I have 20+ long periods of expert experience which gave me the great taste of the futile daily existences in corporate profession. 

Because of my more youthful sister for setting off me to investigate the enterprising excursion. I quit the corporate and chose to investigate in a field that I just had enthusiasm however no experience. Alongside my more youthful sister, I helped to establish a brand for natural garments to be accessible for babies in India at reasonable expense. And afterward, kaya shastra simply occurred. 

Telling about kaya shastra, It was never a business thought. The entire thought was to mention to individuals what I understood about the effects of synthetics and had this unexplainable animosity to rapidly move individuals from cleansers, shampoos and toothpastes. By utilizing these engineered materials consistently, I understood we are infusing poison intentionally and sicknesses due to these can never be even followed. 

Furthermore, the time I understood, I and my sister began making items for our family. It wasn't excessively troublesome since I used to make my own face covers and spot treatment to treat my skin break out during my young produced using kitchen fixings. Still I didn't hop making items with those unimportant encounters. I took methodical learning strategy. Found out about our body framework, spices, ayurveda, siddha, naturopathy frameworks by interning with specialists. On account of each one of those lovely steady individuals who assisted me with comprehension and learn things that I wouldn't have learnt in any arrangement of formal training. 

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At the point when I talked about the substance impacts with my companions, they requested other options and I needed to share my reserve. Words spread. Companions of companions and their companions began requesting the items that we use. Since, it was never a business thought; I was just imparting my reserve of natively constructed items to companions. And afterward there were companions of companions. Also, in one such event, a companion asked me what amount should they pay – I had no clue! Yet, she demanded to pay. Thus, I took Rs.100 that time. Afterward, I understood I also can't support sharing reserve for quite a while. That is the point at which I and my sister chose to design a cycle around this. 

Along these lines, I and my sister chose to make the cycle simpler. We chipped away at things like making a brand, organization, GST, web store and coordinations. Lastly, our image kaya shastra turned into a brand that gives high quality and 100% all common items for careful normal body care schedules. 

I accept that a brand isn't only a name and logo. The idea comes in one's brain when they hear the brand's name. furthermore, what they hear should be in a state of harmony with our vision. What's more, my vision is to give hand tailored and 100% all common items for careful body care schedules and move individuals from compound/engineered items. 

For individuals who know me actually, they know how much I go to live my vision. Each item is stimulated emphatically with wellbeing and joy mantra reciting. Thus, It's simple for individuals who I know to confide in me and utilize these items! In any case, it is trying to get the message right to individuals I don't have the foggiest idea. In any case, a positive test. I'm Still learning and will keep on learning. 

Each day is astounding for me. At the point when individuals hop with euphoria and offer their encounters on great skin and help from skin, hair and tooth inconveniences – I essentially get goose pimples. I love it! This makes all the difference for me. 

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At whatever point they share with me about how they have gone #nosoapchallenge, #noshampoochallenge and #notoothpastechallenge with #allnatural I feel thrilled. it's one bit nearer to my vison. 

Also, that day is exceptional day when I had the opportunity to break the #allnatural hair wash powder kesa shudhhi. That is certainly an achievement. No more shampoos with silicones, parabens and SLS. That gives me a consolation! 

kaya shastra isn't only a business. In this way, there's no business venture – it is presently my life venture. 

I feel like a total human as a business person. I have a decent vision. I'm giving my best to this. I'm glad. I'm mollified. In this way, I feel human! First thing I learnt is persistence. It requires some investment for any business errands and cycles. In this way, I figured out how to be somewhat quiet. It's distinctive when you work in corporates with zillion groups. I was utilized to complete the frilly things by different groups and zeroed in just on what I appreciated. Be that as it may, presently the world is extraordinary. I need to do everything regardless of whether I hate doing it. Second significant thing I learnt is to show the genuine 'ME'. It's ideal to wreck and to say that you don't have a clue. Individuals truly comprehend and appreciate when you clarify. Along these lines, there's no compelling reason to construct a picture that is not genuine or hard to keep up. 

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I can't fix myself to an everyday practice. I get exhausted of the schedules. A large portion of the days, I do rise right on time around 5AM. In any case, there are days, I cuddle till 10 AM. However, when all is said in done, I love to keep myself fit. Atleast 5 days per week, I work out and it's either 4-5 kms running or 1hr of floor practices/yoga. Now and again, zumba and xbox wellness as well. Also, I remind myself to be careful however much as could reasonably be expected. 

Over the most recent couple of years, subsequent to understanding the way how assimilation functions, I attempt to eat reasonably. What's more, similar to some other India wedded lady and mother – I do every standard task. I guarantee to cook for my family. Truly, I am specific to the point that cooking must be done either by me and or my better half. it's not simply fixings or veggies, I accept the feelings during cooking impacts our wellbeing and feelings. in this way, we keep away from outside food however much as could reasonably be expected. 

I likewise complete 3 days of organic product detox each month. Just organic products on first, second and third of consistently. I demand and inspire this to all companions who I associate. What's more, we as a gathering of 100+ individuals just finished our fifth month to month '123 detox party. 

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On the off chance that there's a point where I needed to battle for something and that is not for any sure effect, I ensure that I will stop to do that. Basically, there are battles like any bootstrapped startup has. We also have battles like restricted HR, extra room and coordinations. Yet, I realize all these have arrangements. Thus, all great at the present time. I scorn tedium and I love conceptualizing altered cycles that suits me. I see everything can be ad libbed and anything can be superior to what it is presently. 

My family has been my emotionally supportive network. My sister is the one I call when I am upbeat, aggravated, tragic and clearly to talk. She is my 2AM, 2PM whenever companion. My brother by marriage bolsters in sourcing and handling. What's more, my better half is for the most part my beta analyzer. I attempt all new definitions in the R&D on him first and check responses. At the point when he isn't voyaging, he deals with cooking, deals with kids and does every single random temp job. He doesn't whine or doesn't make it resemble some help. Our children – my two young ladies and my sister's child – what do I say about them? They are our approval. when there's a need, they in a real sense do everything from cleaning crude materials, measure, pack, clean, name the items, help me in photography, dispatches. I'm honored to have such a family. 

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I should make reference to about my companions as well. They are my safeguards. I call them and with no setting I talk about my difficulties. If they get them, they do rouse me to hold tight and that is actually why I call them. 

Life is enjoyable. In any case, to have some good times, wellbeing is significant. How about we be cognizant on our opinion, what we eat. It's similarly significant what we use on our body. our skin retains. it goes to the circulation system. in this way, Let's take endeavors to comprehend our body. How about we regard and love our body. No innovation can duplicate the frameworks that we have in our body. Thus, how about we be reasonable and live solid. 

– says Krithika.


07 Feb, 2021




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