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Dhruvam: The Man Behind 'The SMART Taxi'

Dhruvam: The Man Behind 'The SMART Taxi'

Dhruvam: The Man Behind 'The SMART Taxi'

CrowdforThink is one of the most grounded online innovative networks in India and connects with a few experts who are doing incredible in their lives and have accomplished the outlandish. To share their learnings and rouse whatever number individuals as could reasonably be expected, these 'StartupTalkers' will be included in CrowdforThink's "Know the StartupTalker" arrangement. 

One such StartupTalker is Dhruvam Thaker. Dhruvam is the organizer of 'The SMART Taxi'. You will gain so much from Dhruvam Thaker's excursion in his own words! 

Dhruvam, Tell Us Something About Yourself. 

I was conceived in a working class family in a modest community named Jamnagar (Gujarat). 3 months after my introduction to the world, we moved to Ahmedabad, where I grew up. My youth was overwhelmed in Indian music as my dad was partial to singing and playing the harmonium. 

As indicated by my folks, I was exceptionally quiet, persistent, a decent eyewitness, and loaded with profound comprehension. Then again, I was extremely modest in nature and worried of associating with others (barring my relatives). I cherished playing with toys, principally vehicles and trucks. I used to go through hours playing with them without wanting for organization. As I was developing, playing cricket intrigued me; it prepared me to talk and interface with individuals. The cricket crew in my general public had a lack of left-gave batsmen and since I followed this style, it gave me a bit of leeway when it came to being chosen for the nearby group. 

Returning to the current day, my dad is a resigned government bank worker, my mom is a homemaker, sibling is a visual fashioner and painter, and my sister is a business graduate. My kin have hearing and talking related handicaps. My significant other is a draftsman and I have a child who is 3 years of age. 

Discussing scholastics, I was acceptable in examines and normally positioned among the main three in class till the ninth grade. My family selected me in a Gujarati medium school from kindergarten because of budgetary requirements. The school was near my home and was a notable one. At the point when it was the ideal opportunity for me to begin the tenth grade, our budgetary condition had improved essentially. So I moved to another school which was a long way from my place however superior to the Gujarati medium school. I dealt with my movement to and from this school by cycling. My dad has saved no costs in giving me the best instructive offices. 

My scholarly history and tendencies constrained me to take up science in senior auxiliary school. It was my fantasy to turn into a specialist and another motivation to seek after science stream. In any case, everything broke when I fizzled in the last, most important tests of the twelfth grade. My folks were frustrated. I was focused and melancholy; the inclination that the general public's supposition of me had changed inundated my musings. It was hard for my folks to see me thusly. Be that as it may, they placed their trust in me and requested that I join a certificate course dependent on my tenth grade results. I concurred and made sure about an admit to Nirma University, one of the most rumored organizations of Gujarat. I was back! 

The inborn enthusiasm for cars and machines never left me and prodded me to select mechanical designing. I performed uncommonly in every semester, and was granted a silver award for standing second in the whole college. I was effectively engaged with co-curricular exercises yet didn't make sure about any honors. The relief support testament was in excess of an honor to me; I've generally considered cooperation more significant than concentrating on the outcome since it brings important experience. 

Remaining inert was never a decision for me, so I began doing low maintenance employments with short residencies. Every one of those residencies showed me some life exercises which I review, apply, and follow each day. Because of the grounds arrangement drive, I had a vocation in my grasp from a notable MNC in Bangalore, that too before finishing my certificate! My mom was reluctant as it implied moving endlessly from Gujarat. It was my dad who at last persuaded her and I arrived in Bengaluru in 2008. 

Arranging thoughts and executing them was an expertise I was energetic about from my school days. Consequently, I chose creation arranging as a capacity. Remaining in Bengaluru was paradise for me; it was total opposites from Ahmedabad from a climate viewpoint. I experienced difficulties speaking with local people in the underlying days. Nonetheless, I learnt Kannada, the local language of the individuals from Bengaluru and conquered this deterrent. My office associates helped me a great deal in learning Kannada. In a range of 2.5 years, I was knowledgeable in Kannada, and notwithstanding leaving Bengaluru in 2013, I despite everything think that its simple to convey in Kannada which is obvious from discussions with my ex-associates from Bengaluru. 

During my expert excursion, I generally had faith in one variable: change. I was continually searching for circumstances where I could give my hands a shot something unexplored, something other than what's expected. Commonly, I was liable for inconveniences that stopped the whole creation line! Then again, effective endeavors have demonstrated as head turner for the association. My senior was a wellspring of help and urged me to investigate. Seeing my interest to learn, he selected me in exercises identified with process upgrades, creation re-designing, 5s, Poka Yoke, Kaizen, ISO, and so forth. I was getting a charge out of this since I was an impetus for acquiring changes my association. 

In the year 2010, I got hitched to a young lady who was my school companion, and she went along with me in my Bengaluru venture. A planner by calling, she decided to concentrate on her profession post marriage and got the chance to work with a presumed design organization. In the year 2012, I previously wanted to accomplish something of my own. Be that as it may, absence of mental fortitude prevented me from making any stride. In 2013, I got an open door from a notable pinnacle framework organization for a position consonant with my past experience. The position was in Ahmedabad. I needed to remain with my folks and didn't burn through whenever in tolerating the job. 

I never understood the move in my thought processes and goals the migration to Ahmedabad brought. I joined the organization and was lined up with its way of life and pace following a couple of burdensome days at the outset. During those days, my internal voice continued annoying me to quit fooling around about my own endeavor. I continued ignoring it, repressing it with different contemplations or by concentrating at work. I talked about it with my family however they requested that I center around my all day employment and standard salary as opposed to facing the challenge of beginning something without any preparation. Then again, I was intending up to put it all on the line! At long last, my inward voice supplanted my dread of disappointment and other self-made attitude obstructions one day. I left my activity without advising anybody. At the point when 15 days of the notification time frame remained, I informed my better half and educated my folks concerning it seven days sooner. 

A fiasco was really taking shape as a result of me. I was besieged with inquiries regarding likely arrangements and objectives and I didn't have a reasonable answer and rehashed a similar line, "I need to have my own startup." obviously, a portion of my companions, society individuals, and partners began ridiculing my choice. In any case, this time, the negative remarks were just fanning my fire. In spite of overwhelming obstruction from every course, I started.

What Does The SMART Taxi Do? 

What's to come is tied in with conveying a special encounter and not simply conveying an assistance. We comprehend this well indeed! The SMART Taxi—a call based taxi administration—is tied in with making the top tier taxi riding experience, exceptionally created for business class individuals and corporate organizations. 

We accomplish this by furnishing very much kept up taxis stacked with best in class includes and driven by all around prepared, polite experts. We have watched an upward pattern popular of Indian purchasers for the best quality administrations. There is a class of individuals prepared to pay premium charges to profit such administrations, and they are our focused on crowd. Every one of our taxis invite clients with a characterized welcome discourse followed by alleviating music for a loosening up atmosphere. Additionally, we offer water bottles, treats, snacks bundle, and chocolates to our clients as a component of their bundle. 

Our cabbies (drivers) are prepared and tried as far as social aptitudes and driving abilities to increase the value of the general client experience. With us, clients can modify the experience by making it more extravagant and esteemed according to their requirements. This is conceivable by the expansion of WiFi associations, Amazon fuel, cold beverages, magazines, and numerous different highlights. We do steady statistical surveying for including an ever increasing number of highlights in our rundown according to the market pattern for improving client experience. 

We offer taxis for hourly rental and outstation. Hourly rental is most appropriate for meandering inside the city and starts with recruiting taxis for 8 hours/80 KM. Outstation ventures are going outside urban communities for at least one days. The SMART Taxi was propelled in Ahmedabad with one taxi on Sep 16, which I was driving. Today we are a collected organization with 60+ best-performing taxis; this incorporates a blended arrangement of Sedans (Dezire, Etios, Xcent, and Amaze) and MUV ( Innova, Eartiga, and others). We are available in 7 urban areas: Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Jaipur, Pune, Indore, and Bhopal, and make some key memories bound arrangement set up to grow to different urban areas of India. 

When And How Did You Come Up With This Idea? 

Everything began in 2012 when I was related with a MNC and went in taxis. I was seeing each part of ride hailing and it wasn't up to the principles for what the clients were paying. Helpless vehicle condition, inconsiderate conduct of the drivers, and so forth were a portion of the variables relentless over the entirety of my rides. In actuality, going in flights and remaining in lodgings were awesome encounters. 

At some point while going back from Bengaluru by means of flight, a thought struck me through an a solitary liner, "imagine a scenario in which a taxi could offer neighborliness like the carriers and the offices of a decent lodging?" I began breaking down the possibilities and accumulated the mental fortitude to dispatch this thought. It took me 4 years to at last pull out all the stops and that is the means by which we began The SMART Taxi. 

How Could You Come Up With The Name And Logo Of Your Startup? 

As the whole idea was explained by a solitary line, "A taxi offering friendliness like the aviation routes and the highlights of a rumored inn", I was sure about the way that our logo would need to catch all the components. Also, it was about a taxi sufficiently keen to comprehend clients' desires. 

To make an ideal mix of the over two key necessities, I alongside my sibling (who is a visual creator) made around 22 harsh representations, with different plan mixes, textual styles, hues, and styles. We chose savvy taxi as a name which ended up being basic when we googled it. To recognize it from the others, we put 'keen' in capitalized to feature it and included 'The' as a prefix to the name since it reflects incomparability and uniqueness. 

At last, it came down to the last and the most significant word, 'Taxi'. We needed to keep the taxi flavor alive in the logo, and along these lines, chose yellow and dark as the shading blend with an identification on both the sides. We needed our image to ooze the solace and accommodation of the aviation routes and applied flying creature wings vector on both the sides to reflect it. 

Enlighten Us Regarding Your Business Model? 

We are a taxi conglomeration organization basically focusing on B2B clients. We locally available taxis of people or armada proprietors like different organizations. The main thing which separates us from them is our procedure. We don't keep any hatchbacks in our portfolio! Vehicles and MUVs are the main two vehicle sections we welcome for the underlying screening. 

All individual taxi proprietors and armada proprietors need to cross five stages of the choice procedure to jump aboard and drive for us. It incorporates each moment step: confirming the vehicle condition, testing the cabbies (driving aptitudes, conduct with the client, their abilities to deal with genuinely tested, senior resident and pregnant ladies), and stepping through telephonic meetings to examination their comprehension. Without clearing it, one can't go along with us. It's a reasonable procedure which we have been following from the day of beginning with a zero trade off arrangement. To put it accurately, subsequent to finishing all conventions, just 1-2 out of 5 taxi candidates at long last ready our endeavor. 

Next, we keep an ideal number of taxis as indicated by the city stack and appropriate adequate measure of business among them to keep them inspired. We additionally screen taxi occupation proportion continually and chase for new taxis (from a database of taxi proprietors gathered from battles). We begin welcoming new applications just if there is a rising pattern sought after. We have kept our on-boarding process short, fresh, and sufficiently quick so it takes just 3 hours to get a taxi go along with us without avoiding any piece of the assessment. 

Being a bootstrapped startup, we take help of online stages like Google structure for taxi enlistment application and WhatsApp for correspondence. Going to the benefit sharing methodology, we pay our accomplices as per the market rates concluded through intensive examination. We apply our edge on the rates and charge the client in like manner for giving a great, safe, and one of a kind taxi riding experience. We structure a concurrence with legitimacy from the taxi proprietors and armada proprietors about their comprehension on the costs, administration and installment terms, scratch-off terms, punishments, and so on. In addition, we ensure that we pay inline with the concurred rates and time span (which is paid inside 30 days of outing culmination) without a solitary miss, legitimately into their ledgers. 

To look after straightforwardness, we give PC produced explanations each fortnight to all related accomplices which determine the executed outing subtleties, payable equalization, and the installment made. On demand, we additionally give them a fresh outline of how much business they have finished with us, what number of rides we have allocated to them, what number of they have acknowledged, and what number of they have finished. Clients can book our taxis by approaching 8238883335. We have a concentrated client booking focus, and from here we delegate the appointments to nearby taxi accomplices or armada proprietors related with us. Presently, the whole procedure occurs over calls. Post finding a reasonable vehicle, we convey the taxi subtleties to the clients (at any rate 10 hours ahead of time). In like manner, we impart the excursion subtleties to our taxi accomplices. Both of these correspondences occur through WhatsApp.

What Other Options Do Your Customers Have? What's more, How Are You Different From Them? 

We rival all the taxi organizations who work in the corporate space however for the most part with Car Club, Avis, Orix, and so on. We separate our administration as far as the highlights offered just as the costs. A portion of the highlights and customization alternatives we convey to our clients are not offered by different players. As far as value, we have situated our self a piece lower contrasted with them, and this gives us the additional bit of leeway in catching piece of the pie rapidly. 

Numerous individuals have a misguided judgment about us that we are another stage like Ola or Uber which isn't the situation. I don't accuse them in light of the fact that both these organizations are commanding the Indian market right now. Be that as it may, there are basic contrasts between us. A couple of them are: 

Their center business is for venturing out from direct A toward point B inside the city, though we significantly work outstation ventures. 

They have hatchbacks, car and MUV as vehicle class to offer yet we work just with cars and MUVs. 

They give application based assistance while we are call based. 

Their significant business originates from singular clients though our demographic is the corporate portion. 

They focus on the majority while we work for a specialty populace. 

How Could You Acquire Your Initial Customers? 

We began with one taxi which I was driving for the underlying scarcely any months. Being the maker of the idea, it was simple for me to clarify the crowd and give them genuine data. We got our first client through Just Dial. During the underlying days, I was going to client request calls, reacting to them, and driving them to their goals. 

Our center spotlight on client experience implies our client isn't reluctant to pay marginally higher than the market rate. From that point on, referrals began drifting in through verbal exposure. In equal, I began chasing for the correct taxi accomplices who were eager to go along with me in this endeavor. From one we got three, at that point seven, at that point twelve, and our taxi amount additionally expanded. This gave us the certainty to go into the corporate portion (B2B). 

What Is The Revenue Model And Who Are The Sources? 

Coming to income age, we pay our accomplices as indicated by the market rates got from profound examination. We apply our edge over it and afterward charge the clients (who are principally B2B) for giving the top tier, safe, and interesting taxi riding encounters. For the corporate section, we basically pitch to corporate organizations (from little scope to enormous scope association), lodgings, visit administrators, and so forth to take into account their taxi prerequisites. 

We do it by means of direct walk-ins, referrals, online networking stages, or by sending limited time messages and messages. We are a bootstrapped startup. On the mentorship perspective, I might want to make reference to three names: the late Mr. Himanshu Chudasama, Mr. Gagan Gupta, and Dr. Anu Gupta for their thoughtful help in controlling me through the absolute hardest turns. 

How Could You Meet Your Team (Co-authors), And What Is Their Background? 

Our organization is an ownership firm. As a group, there are two people (the executives graduates) who bolster me as business advisors in the center regions of our business—vital arranging, promoting, bookkeeping, taxi onboarding and business development, client help work area, and booking focus. Our center quality is our ground group for example the armada proprietors and taxi proprietors related with us. They are the individuals we have taken most extreme consideration in choosing and they are conveying an encounter according to our set guidelines, 24X7. 

What Were The Challenges You Faced In Your Journey And How Did You Overcome Them? 

Leaving a generously compensated activity in the wake of serving notable associations for a long time to begin an endeavor was the principal challenge. It was trailed by social weight from my family, society, companions, and family members to take up an occupation once more. The subsequent test was to make taxi accomplices consent to convey a rich encounter as opposed to a basic help. I have strolled on lanes and chosen the rare sorts of people who had the option to comprehend the idea. And afterward I prepared them. 

A Smarter Way to Travel 

A Smarter Way to Travel 

From a budgetary angle, subsequent to propelling the startup in 2016, it was difficult being a hitched fellow having a multi month old child, two kin with incapacities, and family to deal with. I was encircled by a few duties and liabilities. 

I recollect when it was Diwali the following day and I had just Rs 400 in my wallet with nothing in the financial balance. I actually needed to drive 23 hours on that day to squeeze out the costs; we figured out how to get desserts and wafers for my child and the family. In the wake of entering the corporate fragment, an enormous installment we were to get was deferred by 2 months. On the opposite side, to proceed with problem free ground tasks, we needed to pay our accomplices on schedule. It made a circumstance where we were left with zero parity in the record. Self-conviction, tolerance, and steadiness propped us up regardless of the impediments. 

Where Do You Want To See Your Startup In The Coming Years? 

Our vision is to turn into 'India's no. 1 taxi organization in consumer loyalty' by 2025. Our further plans are attached to group building, advertising, item developments, speculation, extension, and we're persistently tailing it. 

What Technology Stack/Entrepreneurial Hacks/Online Tools/Services/Apps Do You Use In Your Startup? 

We use Google Form for taxi accomplice enrollment, leading business sector reviews, and consumer loyalty studies. We use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram for brand mindfulness and recruiting. In addition, we have an affirmed business account on WhatsApp which we use to speak with clients and taxi accomplices over the urban communities where we have a nearness. 

We use MailChimp for email crusades. Also, for proficient messages, we use office 365. We likewise let our clients share their private areas by means of Whatsapp and forward the equivalent to our taxi accomplice alongside other client subtleties and outing data to permit them to arrive at the client's place without making a solitary call . To follow our taxi accomplices' area, we have tried different things with a free application called Life36, which permits us to see continuous area of people. For bookkeeping, monitoring the outings, receipt age, and so on., we utilize a membership based versatile application call "Vyapar". 

What Do You Look For In A Candidate Who Aspires To Join Your Company? 

Enthusiasm to explore new territory. 

Capacity to introduce the right picture, as opposed to introducing a manipulative one. 

Tolerating botches and the capacity to gain from it, and to build up a future course of preventive activities. 

Acknowledging others for their commitment. 


Time the executives. 

Incentive for duty. 

Brand faithfulness. 

What Are Your Strategies To Build An Awesome Work Culture In Your Company? 

The SMART Taxi - Work Culture 

The SMART Taxi - Work Culture 

I for one trust in making a working environment which is sheltered and where everybody has the opportunity to talk. Furthermore, gratefulness for accomplishing something great is required with the goal that individuals feel persuaded. The gratefulness might be little or large relying upon sway, yet it ought to be there. We are intending to present "notes to say thanks" which will be of a little bit of paper with "thank you" composed on it. The thought process behind this is to thank individuals for their work—both immediate and backhanded. The individual who is giving the card and the individual accepting it are appointed a few focuses. The individual with the most extreme focuses will be remunerated. 

What Did You Wish To Become When You Were 15? 

At the point when I was 15, I wished to turn into an eminent architect who makes an advancement that changes history! 

Any Quote/Advice That You Would Like To Share With Budding Entrepreneurs? 

There is not a viable replacement for difficult work. 

Achievement comes after disappointments, and disappointments come after progress. The main thing which props you up ahead is your obsession for not surrendering and your confidence in yourself.


16 Aug, 2020




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