Many programming languages — confused about what to choose or pursue as a job. In this article, every programming language is briefly described which make easy for you to choose and learn according to your interest.
Sometimes it is difficult to find the best out of the rest. Here are the top five programming languages and their job rates and future scope.
Introduction to Programming Language
The programming language is a language that contains a set of instructions that produce various kinds of outputs. It is used in computer programming to execute algorithms.
Thousands of different programming languages built and many more created every year but only a few implemented in the market or used by developers.
It is a general-purpose programming language, which is used to build easy and tools and libraries. For backend web development, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and scientific computing- python is a great language.
There are many developers who use python and find it simple and easy to learning. Therefore, they have used python to build productivity tools, games, and desktop applications.
Today, Python has multiple implementations including Jython, scripted in Java language for Java Virtual Machine; IronPython has written in C# for the Common Language Infrastructure, and PyPy version written in RPython and translated into C.
While these implementations work in the native language they are written in, they are also capable of interacting with other languages through the use of modules. Most of these modules work on the community development model and are open-source and free.
JS is the high-level, interpreted scripting language which follows the ECMAScript specification. It is the multi-paradigm, supporting object-oriented, dynamic, imperative, declarative and a prototype-based language.
Even it’s used in many non-browser environments. Javascript is an easy and the language that is used to design or program the webpages. Also, for controlling webpage behavior.
In Javascript, the basic syntax, intentionally related to Java and c++ languages to reduce the number of new concepts required to learn this language.
JS is the dynamic capabilities that include runtime object construction, function variables, dynamic script creation, variable parameter lists, object introspection, and source code recovery. the common application for Javascript is the web server-side scripting language.
A Javascript web server would host an object that represents HTTP request and response objects for the Javascript program to generate dynamic web pages. The most popular example of Javascript is Node.js.
There are some databases like MongoDB and CouchDB which use Javascript as their programming language.
It is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, and object-oriented. Java code can run anywhere or on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM). The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++.
Java is one of the popular programming languages. it is a widely-used programming language that designed according to any distributed environment of the internet. As well as Java can be used for creating complete applications.
Ruby on Rails
It is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming. Ruby is used to collecting garbage, it is a dynamic type of language that supports multiple programming paradigms. Also, it includes procedural, object-oriented and functional programming.
Rails is a development tool that gives web developers a framework and a structure to write code. It simply helps to build websites and applications. ” Convention over configuration” is the key principle of Ruby.
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a general-purpose programming language, which is designed for web development. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter as a module in the webserver secondly, the PHP code executed with a command-line interface (CLI). It is a scripting language that adopts to server-side web development. So, it can be used for client-side GUI and command-line scripting. Many web hosting providers support PHP for their clients. Also, PHP is free of cost.
The main use of PHP is that it acts like a filter, which takes input from text and converts it into output another stream. And it common output as HTML. PHP main focuses on the server-side scripting languages that provide dynamic content from a webserver to the client.