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“It all started when we were looking for a potential bride for my brother”– Neha, Founder of ‘GoGaga’

“It all started when we were looking for a potential bride for my brother”– Neha, Founder of ‘GoGaga’

“It all started when we were looking for a potential bride for my brother”– Neha, Founder of ‘GoGaga’

Neha Kanodia is a Mompreneur and Co-author of 'GoGaga' – an internet dating application to meet companions of companions. Neha is an IT Engineer with 14+ long periods of corporate work insight. She alongside her sibling Meet, conceptualized 'GoGaga' out of their experience on searching for an expected lady of the hour for Meet on a wedding gateway. From being a nerd who worked with different associations, Today She is an honor winning computerized business person perceived by Google. Neha shares more about her enterprising story with WOI-Womenpreneursofindia 

Dive in, take the plunge! What you acquire is more than what you may lose. 

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I have consistently had a solid interest in calculations and coding since I was in school. I used to skip science class and sit in the PC room, working on coding. Seeing my advantage, my educators were sharp that I ought to pick IT as my designing subject from SGSITS, Indore. I began getting perceived as a star entertainer right off the bat in my profession and started to lead worldwide groups for global organizations, until I discovered I am yearning for an achievement of building something without any preparation. My mission drove me to begin Go Gaga. I have 14+ long stretches of involvement as tech-lead with significant enterprises including Oracle, SoftwareAG and Goldman Sachs with skill in Cloud/SaaS Applications. I pursue codes and bugs during the day and my little girl at night. 

Furthermore, presently, I am right now a designer and prime supporter of "companions of companions" connections application, called "Go Gaga", for individuals searching for genuine and significant accomplices. At Go Gaga, we are attempting to acquire trust dating, with human references and AI. My prime supporter, Meet (additionally my sibling), is an IIT-D former student and ex-speculation investor from London. 

Before even I began this Go Gaga application, I was a glad and fruitful corporate worker for over 10 years. And furthermore, I was driving specialized groups at worldwide MNCs, however the journey to take up new difficulties made me venture into business. 

My fellow benefactor, Meet, and I are kin and both hail from Indore. GoGaga idea began when we were searching for an expected lady for Meet on one of the marital gateways. We saw that the current channels for finding an accomplice in India were at the outrageous finishes: (a) Matrimony applications are being guardians overseen and local area focussed, while (b) Dating applications acting naturally picked yet distance based, indicating generally outsiders. 

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Meet was covering Gaming and Dating enterprises in London as a feature of his venture banking profession and understood the hole in Indian market where there was a solid requirement for a socially viable and reliable arrangement. After an escalated research, we understood the regular reference is the way trust has been set up in India. Generally, there was consistently a go-between in orchestrated marriage settings or companions making presentations in the disconnected world. 

This is the point at which we began GoGaga, an advanced reference based matchmaking application where clients are indicated companions of companions with the common companion making a presentation. The Key inconveniences that show up on marriage and easygoing dating/connect applications are predominance of phony profiles, bots, hitched men, assumption confuse, un reliable profile data, among others. Yet, in GoGaga we experience relieved these difficulties simply the method of idea itself where the presence of normal association gives data credibility and adds trust to the interaction. 

The most amazing aspect is that GoGaga gives a fun-curve to dating, where submitted ones can likewise download and coordinate two of their single companions. The strategy is likewise entirely relatable to reality and disposes of phony profiles/bots, an issue not addressed by any dating application yet. GoGaga is brooded by Facebook and IIM-Bangalore hatching arm, NSRCEL. Also, in addition, it is difficult to leave a grounded and well-paying position to begin something testing. 

We wanted to dispatch our relationship application around Valentine's day, since we felt that was the best an ideal opportunity to dispatch the ideal relationship application. Also, around a similar time IIM-Bangalore facilitated its social fest called Unmaad. In this way, we delivered a beta form of our application for IIM-Bangalore's Unmaad and got our initial not many hundred clients at the occasion. I actually recollect the initial 5 clients well indeed. They were extremely strong and inspired us a considerable amount. They concocted moment proposals which gave us direct criticism which assisted us with cutting the following variant for our initial 1000 clients. Most youths there reverberated with the need of a reliable relationship arrangement and cherished our idea. 

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Being a startup in covertness mode, we didn't recruit workers and I coded the whole application all alone. It is a considerable amount of work to get familiar with another innovation and code a whole application without any help. Henceforth, I would encourage different new companies to take help when required. We are really a bootstrapped organization that works generally with low maintenance understudies. While our attention is on preparing youths for later, it is trying to manage weakening, tests and low maintenance assistants. Subsequently, it's proposed to design your accounts fittingly prior to firing up. 

And off base maintaining a business itself is loaded with difficulties. Consistently brings another arrangement of issues that we need to manage. Continuously request help or exhortation from loved ones at whatever point you believe you can't deal with it without anyone else. What's more, kindly don't endeavor to be a super-lady, figure out how to acknowledge the way that you need support. You can be drained and it is alright to request that family help you in errands. As I previously referenced, firing up another excursion is loaded with difficulties, however there is bunches of learning included, respond to each call as motivation to learn and you will actually want to locate a well-suited arrangement. 

Nonetheless, this excursion has gotten me many life-changing minutes or you can call it as an achievement, 

On the business front, we were happy on getting chosen by YCombinator for their last round and proceeded to meet them in San Francisco. 

On the individual front, getting the "Computerized Women" grant by Google and Colors TV was one of my pleased minutes in October 2019. 

I have likewise been compensated as one of the 15 diplomats in India for Facebook's SheLeadsTech program which plans to help ladies business visionaries. It gives me tremendous delight to have the option to reward the local area and help different ladies in rising and sparkling. 

I have been honored with an extremely strong family. The 3 men in my day to day existence, my father, my significant other and my sibling are the ones who have been empowering consistently. Their inspiration is the thing that made me venture out from a corporate world and still keeps me spurred in good and bad. GoGaga is my subsequent kid and I didn't require a lot of inspiration to do anything for GoGaga. ???? Yet there are many low occasions and to keep myself solid during those occasions, I generally consider the great measure of discovering that I am getting as a business person, and that makes a big difference for me! 

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Another explanation which unquestionably keeps me propelled is the adoration from our clients for the item, particularly when they say that there is a distinct requirement for an item like GoGaga. At certain occasions when I presented myself, a few ladies have come and disclosed to me that they discovered their accomplice on GoGaga, it is a pleased second to turn into an aberrant go between through beginning GoGaga. 

Furthermore, in the wake of beginning, Key exercises that I have learned are, 

Steadiness is the way to take care of any issue. This is the significant exercise that I learnt subsequent to beginning this GoGaga. 

Explicit to new businesses, I presently unequivocally accept that the item ought to be something which clients love. Client truly bhagwan hai! 

There is no restriction or end to learning. The more individuals you meet, the more you learn. If nothing, you gain proficiency with another viewpoint. Firing up is the most ideal approach to learn, since you must choose the option to learn. ???? 

As an Entrepreneur I feel that battles are a piece of the pioneering venture. However, simply that they are distinctive at various stages, 

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Initially it was tied in with building the item, at that point it was to get clients. Maintaining a bootstrapped business includes bunches of learning in every region like promoting, item improvement, UI/UX, business advancement and so forth Since we can't bear to recruit specialists in every region, we land up learning and doing a large portion of the stuff ourselves, which isn't simple. Independent of whether on or off work, business remembers sneaking constantly. 

By and large, as a mother, it is exceptionally hard to find some kind of harmony among work and time with my girl. On the Technology front also, I need to continually remain refreshed. Being a nerd fellow benefactor, I must be on top of all that occurs in Android, iOS and web. 

Lastly, I might want to say to all the ladies out there and who truly have good thoughts and don't feel sure about taking the jump to fire (up) Remember: "Ladies are resolved and persevering people all in all, on the off chance that they make a stride, they keep pushing ahead until there are further strides ahead. Along these lines, make that stride please!" 

- says Neha


20 Feb, 2021




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