Antivirus software is installed on a computer to save the system from viruses, malware, spyware, phishing attacks, rootkits, as well as cybercrimes. We live in a world where we are increasingly dependent on computers for most of our day to day work. That is why it is essential that we install effective antivirus software on our PCs.
Nowadays, computer viruses have become more sophisticated and harmful than ever, to the point that a single virus can damage a computer and render it unusable.
Let’s take a closer look at what viruses are and how antivirus software can help us eliminate them.
What is a Virus?
A computer virus follows the similar principle of a flu virus, it is designed to spread from one host to another and can replicate itself. You can describe a computer virus as a malicious code or program that is designed to alter the operations of a computer. A computer virus can spread through computers by inserting its own code into computer programs.
Viruses are created to serve different purposes. From making a computer run slow to damaging essential parts of the system, stealing personal details, and sending out unauthorized data, computer viruses can harm you any many ways. Every year, computer viruses cause billions of dollars of economic damage.
Where do Viruses Come From?
Viruses are codes that are written by coding experts to damage people’s computers, steal personal information, and pilfer cash. These skilled programmers work to exploit technical vulnerabilities in computers to infect them with viruses.
The reason for the creation of a virus can differ. Some people don’t intend to do anything harmful and are only looking to annoy others by manipulating their computers while others do it to access data, steal personal information for their own gain. Sometimes, competing business entities use viruses to gain remote control of a computer and even damage computer systems.
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What are the Different Kinds of Viruses?
There are various types of viruses that are designed to serve a different purpose. Here are a few of the most used virus types:
Boot Sector Virus: Boot sector viruses are somewhat obsolete now since floppy disks are not around anymore. Nevertheless, these viruses can crop on USB devices and email attachments and can infect the master boot record. These viruses are difficult to get rid of.
Direct Action Virus: This virus attaches itself to a particular type of file and as soon as the file is executed into action, it spreads to similar files and prevents them from being accessible.
Resident Virus: This virus installs itself on a computer and can work even when its original source has been removed. There are two types of resident virus: fast infector and slow infector. Fast infectors cause as much damage as possible in a little amount of time while slow infectors take their time and are harder to recognize as symptoms develop gradually.
Macro Virus: This virus makes use of common applications such as Microsoft Outlook and Word in order to allow macro programs to be embedded in documents and emails. Once embedded, the program can run as soon as the email or document is accessed. Macro viruses are one of the reasons why one should avoid opening attachments from unknown sources.
How does Antivirus Work?
Antivirus software is built to detect, identify, and eliminate viruses from a computer. Regardless of how careful you are while browsing the internet or the amount of precaution you take to avoid coming in contact with a virus, you should have antivirus software installed on your PC.
Most antivirus software runs in the background and is constantly searching your computer for any malicious applications or viruses. They also run system scans to make sure no viruses are laying undetected among your files. If an antivirus software comes in contact with a malicious file or a virus, it will stop that file from running and put it into quarantine. You can either delete the files from quarantine or choose to run it if you are certain that it is a false detection like the McAfee virus do with your computer and If you are in trouble using Mcafee you can with the McAfee support services without any hesitation.
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Why is Antivirus Important?
Antivirus software is essential for everyone who spends most of their time on the internet. Akin to keeping a guard at the door of your house in order to avoid miscreants from entering your property, antivirus software protects your system from viruses and other harmful files. Moreover, since prevention is better than cure, one should always be prepared for what could come rather than waiting and repairing your system after it has been infected.
If you are running a business, a virus infection can cause a damp in your reputation, especially if the virus exposes personal data of your clients or shares unsolicited emails to your contacts in order to spread.
Regardless of what kind of work you do, if it has to do with computers and the internet, make sure you remain protected with antivirus software.