1. Mention What Is Team Foundation Server?
Team foundation server is used for inter-communication between the tester, developer team, project manager and CEO while working on software development.
2. Explain Tfs In Respect To Git?
Team foundation server is a Microsoft Version. It supports about 5 million lines of code
TFS integrates with Visual Studio, SharePoint and Active directory
TFS is more secure as you can assign read and write permission to an individual file
TFS requires SQL server to store all kind of data’s
TFS is centralized where the vast majority of the information is stored on the server
TFS does not support safe merge between unrelated branches
In TFS, you can do manual test tracking
Installation will take about ½ day
Analytics reports and chart option is given
Git is open source, and designed to support the source code of Linux Kernel and supports about 15 million lines of code. Development process is distributed all around the world.
Git does not support any of these
Git is less secure as the whole git repositories is regulated by file system
Git is based on Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) that means every developer’s copy can access every version of every file from anywhere
Git keeps every local copy fully independent
Git allows safe merge between unrelated branches
In Git, you cannot do manual test tracking
Installation will only take 10 minutes
Analytics reports and chart is not represented
3. Mention Whether All Of The Team Foundation Service Features Are Included Into The Team Foundation Server?
TFS service is updated every 3 weeks while Team Foundation Server “on-premise” is updated every 3 months. So, the on-premise version will always remain a little behind. However, TFS on-premise has got something that the TFS service does not.
You can use TFS Lab
Customize work items/process templates
4. Explain How You Can Restore Hidden Debugger Commands In Visual Studio 2013?
To restore the debugger feature that is hidden, you have to add the command back to the command:
Open your project, click on Tools menu and then click customize
Tap the command tab in the customize dialog box
In the menu bar, drop down, choose the debug menu for which you want to contain the restored command
Tap on the Add command button
In the Add command box, choose the command you want to add and click OK
Repeat the step to add another command
5. List Out The Functionalities Provided By Team Foundation Server?
Project Management.
Tracking work items.
Version Control.
Test case management.
Build Automation.
Virtual Lab Management.
6. Explain What Kind Or Report Server You Can Add In Tfs?
TFS uses SQL for its data storage, so you have to add SQL server reporting services to provide a report server for TFS.
7. Is There A Way To Pull Two Copies Of A Single Solution From Tfs 2010 For The Same User/machine?
You can have multiple copies of a single solution either by having multiple branches in TFS or by setting up different workspaces.
The branches are good for when you need to be able to check in code for both copies of the solution, and have other people work with it too.
I use the multiple workspaces when I need to have a last good state of the code on my dev box while at the same time and still working on new features.
8. How One Would Know Whether The Report Is Updated In Tfs?
For each report, there will be an option “Date Last Updated” in the lower light corner, when you click or select that option, it will give details about when it was last updated.
9. How Does The Version Control Compare To Perforce? Branching, Merging, Change Lists Etc?
Team Foundation Server supports all normally expected Source Control features such as branching, merging, exclusively locking, remote disconnected scenarios, labeling, searching on various properties high fidelity reporting (how much code churn per person per project per iteration etc) plus a couple of newer paradigms like shelving and optimization for things like branching scenarios (many version control systems do a full copy for branches). I would have some performance comparisons but most systems don’t allow this.
10. How Does It Integrate With Other Non-ms Platforms?
Team Foundation Server uses Web Services for cross machine communication therefore the Team Foundation Server functionality can be made available to any computer. (see MSDN Team System Article on how to use these web services) This is exactly how companies likeTeamprise, Teamplain, have built their clients to run on non windows computers.
11. Why Doesn’t Source Control Detect That I Have Deleted A File/folder On My Local Disk?
The main scenario here is deleting a file (by mistake or intentionally) outside of Team Foundation and then trying the get that file back from source control. If the file version has not changed the server thinks the user already has the file and does not copy it over. This is because the server keeps a list of files that the user already has and when activities are made outside of source control this list becomes out of date. Team Foundation Version Control does have a force get option which will provide the functionality needed to obtain the desired version but it is currently partially hidden under the Get Specific Version Dialog window as a check box item.
12. Are Deletes You Make In Tfs 2010 Source Control Physical Or Logical? Can Accidental Deletes Be Recovered?
Deletes are fully recoverable with the “undelete” operation. You wouldn’t want to do a SQL restore because that would roll back every change to the TFS in the time since the file was deleted.
13. Can I Compare Directory Structures In Tfs Source Control?
No, you cannot compare Directory Structures in TFS Source Control
14. How Can I Add Non-solution Items To Source Control?
This can be achieved by either clicking the Add icon or by going to File > Source Control and selecting the Add To Source Control menu item.
15. How Do I Redisplay Source Control Explorer?
Selecting View > Other Windows > Source Control Explorer will display the Source Control Explorer window within the IDE.
16. What Are The Different Events Available In The Event Model And Is There Any Documentation On Them?
There is really only one SCC event and that is the one that is raised on checkin. Subscription is via the general event model that is discussed in the extensibility kit.
17. What Plugin / Extensibility Api Does It Expose?
The Team Foundation Server component model for modifying both the Process Template and creating plugins is built on to be entirely open(in many cases the entry points are defined in XML configuration files). In addition to the having this the development team and community is quite active in supplying samples of this:
Brian Harry
Buck Hodges
Rob Caron
This open platform has also enabled a ecosystem of add-ons like Teamlook, Teamprise, Teamplain, Teamword, TFSPermission Manager.
18. Does It Send Data Compression Over The Network?
Team Foundation uses Web Services for cross machine communication and by default automatically configures IIS use Compression.
19. How Do You Use The Blame Feature In Tfs?
The TFS equivalent is the Annotate command I believe. (Simply right click on the versioned file in the source code explorer and select “Annotate”.)
20. How To Revert (roll Back) A Checkin In Tfs 2010?
Without using power tools or command line:
ensure Tools->Options->Source Control->Visual Studio Team Foundation Server UNCHECK Get latest version of item on check out
View the history of project folder in Source Control Explorer and right click on the changeset to roll back to and choose Get This Version
Check out for edit on the project folder in the Source Control Explorer (this should keep your local version you just got from the history)
Check in pending changes on the project folder in the Source Control Explorer
if visual studio asks you to resolve conflicts, choose keep local and attempt check in of pending changes on the project folder in Source Control Explorer again.