Contingent upon your locale, workplace or individual inclination you may need to arrangement Windows to show the check in military time, which utilizes the 24 hour strategy for tallying the hours on the clock. Ordinarily, you tally utilizing 12, 1, 2, 3, in military time those numbers would be 12, 13, 14, 15. Lets investigate how to show time in Military time in Windows 7.
Snap Start, type: change the date.
Hit Enter on your console.
Under Formats tab click Additional Settings.
Select the Time tab, under Time groups:
For a considerable length of time, utilizing "h" will bring about utilizing the AM/PM framework, utilizing "H" will show in utilizing military/24H time. Here are a few models utilizing 1:25 AM as the outcome.
h:mm:ss tt - >1:25:00 AM
H:mm:ss - >13:25:00
hh:mm tt - >01:25 AM
HH:mm - >13:25
Snap in the Short time list box,
Select HH:mm
Snap Apply and OK.
Snap Apply and OK once more.