Using PHP get stoner details IP address country, device, cybersurfer, operating system
Are you interested in rooting precious information about your website callers, similar as their country, cybersurfer, and operating system? With PHP, you can fluently gain this data and enhance your website's functionality. By exercising colorful PHP functions and APIs, you can recoup the stoner's country grounded on their IP address, prize their cybersurfer information, and identify the operating system they're using. To get the stoner's country, you can work IP geolocation services or APIs, similar as MaxMind or GeoIP. These services give you with the stoner's geographical position grounded on their IP address, allowing you to epitomize content or acclimate settings consequently. To determine the stoner's cybersurfer information, you can use the$, Garçon('HTTP_USER_AGENT') variable and parse it using PHP's erected- in functions. This information can help you optimize your website's design and functionality for different cybersurfers. Incipiently, to recoup the operating system name, you can use the$, Garçon('HTTP_USER_AGENT') variable and identify specific patterns or keywords that correspond to colorful operating systems. By enforcing these PHP ways, you can gain precious perceptivity about your website callers and deliver a more customized stoner experience.
class UserInformation {
private $agent = "";
private $browsers = array(
'SamsungBrowser'=> 'Samsung Browser',
'MiuiBrowser' => 'Xiaomi Browser',
'NokiaBrowser' => 'Nokia Browser',
'UCBrowser' => 'UC Browser',
'OPR' => 'Opera',
'Flock' => 'Flock',
'Edge' => 'Edge',
'edg' => 'Edge',
'Maxthon' => 'Maxthon',
'Opera.*?Version' => 'Opera',
'Opera' => 'Opera',
'MSIE' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Internet Explorer' => 'Internet Explorer',
'Trident.* rv' => 'Internet Explorer',
'YaBrowser' => 'Yandex Browser',
'Chrome' => 'Chrome',
'Shiira' => 'Shiira',
'Firefox' => 'Firefox',
'Chimera' => 'Chimera',
'Phoenix' => 'Phoenix',
'Firebird' => 'Firebird',
'Camino' => 'Camino',
'Netscape' => 'Netscape',
'OmniWeb' => 'OmniWeb',
'Safari' => 'Safari',
'Mozilla' => 'Mozilla',
'Konqueror' => 'Konqueror',
'icab' => 'iCab',
'Lynx' => 'Lynx',
'Links' => 'Links',
'hotjava' => 'HotJava',
'amaya' => 'Amaya',
'IBrowse' => 'IBrowse',
'Ubuntu' => 'Ubuntu Web Browser',
private $device_name = array(
'MI ' => 'MI',
'vivo' => 'Vivo',
'Ubuntu' => 'Ubuntu',
'S25' => 'Smart S-25',
'Moto G' => 'Moto G',
'LAVA' => 'LAVA',
'RMX' => 'Oppo Realme',
'Lenovo' => 'Lenovo',
'iPhone' => 'iPhone',
'pixel' => 'Google Pixel',
'BB' => 'BlackBerry',
'LM' => 'LG',
'LGM' => 'LG',
'LG' => 'LG',
'windows phone' => 'Windows Phone',
'ASUS_' => 'Asus ZenFone',
'KFAPWI' => 'Kindle Fire',
'SM-' => 'Samsung',
'HONOR' => 'Huawei Honor',
'A37F' => 'Oppo',
'ONEPLUS' => 'One Plus',
'Karbonn' => 'Karbonn',
'XT' => 'Motorola',
'os x' => 'Apple Mac',
'mobileexplorer' => 'Mobile Explorer',
'palmsource' => 'Palm',
'palmscape' => 'Palmscape',
'motorola' => 'Motorola',
'nokia' => 'Nokia',
'nexus' => 'Nexus',
'palm' => 'Palm',
'ipad' => 'iPad',
'ipod' => 'Apple iPod Touch',
'sony' => 'Sony Ericsson',
'ericsson' => 'Sony Ericsson',
'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry',
'cocoon' => 'O2 Cocoon',
'blazer' => 'Treo',
'lg' => 'LG',
'amoi' => 'Amoi',
'xda' => 'XDA',
'mda' => 'MDA',
'vario' => 'Vario',
'htc' => 'HTC',
'samsung' => 'Samsung',
'sharp' => 'Sharp',
'sie-' => 'Siemens',
'alcatel' => 'Alcatel',
'benq' => 'BenQ',
'ipaq' => 'HP iPaq',
'mot-' => 'Motorola',
'playstation portable' => 'PlayStation Portable',
'playstation 3' => 'PlayStation 3',
'playstation vita' => 'PlayStation Vita',
'hiptop' => 'Danger Hiptop',
'nec-' => 'NEC',
'panasonic' => 'Panasonic',
'philips' => 'Philips',
'sagem' => 'Sagem',
'sanyo' => 'Sanyo',
'spv' => 'SPV',
'zte' => 'ZTE',
'sendo' => 'Sendo',
'nintendo dsi' => 'Nintendo DSi',
'nintendo ds' => 'Nintendo DS',
'nintendo 3ds' => 'Nintendo 3DS',
'wii' => 'Nintendo Wii',
'open web' => 'Open Web',
'openweb' => 'OpenWeb',
'android' => 'Android',
'symbian' => 'Symbian',
'SymbianOS' => 'SymbianOS',
'elaine' => 'Palm',
'series60' => 'Symbian S60',
'windows ce' => 'Windows CE',
'windows' => 'Windows',
'obigo' => 'Obigo',
'netfront' => 'Netfront Browser',
'openwave' => 'Openwave Browser',
'mobilexplorer' => 'Mobile Explorer',
'operamini' => 'Opera Mini',
'opera mini' => 'Opera Mini',
'opera mobi' => 'Opera Mobile',
'fennec' => 'Firefox Mobile',
'digital paths' => 'Digital Paths',
'avantgo' => 'AvantGo',
'xiino' => 'Xiino',
'novarra' => 'Novarra Transcoder',
'vodafone' => 'Vodafone',
'docomo' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'o2' => 'O2',
'mobile' => 'Generic Mobile',
'wireless' => 'Generic Mobile',
'j2me' => 'Generic Mobile',
'midp' => 'Generic Mobile',
'cldc' => 'Generic Mobile',
'' => 'Generic Mobile',
'up.browser' => 'Generic Mobile',
'smartphone' => 'Generic Mobile',
'cellphone' => 'Generic Mobile',
'Linux' => 'Linux'
private $os = array(
'windows nt 10.0' => 'Windows 10',
'windows nt 6.3' => 'Windows 8.1',
'windows nt 6.2' => 'Windows 8',
'windows nt 6.1' => 'Windows 7',
'windows nt 6.0' => 'Windows Vista',
'windows nt 5.2' => 'Windows 2003',
'windows nt 5.1' => 'Windows XP',
'windows nt 5.0' => 'Windows 2000',
'windows nt 4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0',
'winnt4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0',
'winnt 4.0' => 'Windows NT',
'winnt' => 'Windows NT',
'windows 98' => 'Windows 98',
'win98' => 'Windows 98',
'windows 95' => 'Windows 95',
'win95' => 'Windows 95',
'windows phone' => 'Windows Phone',
'windows' => 'Unknown Windows OS',
'android' => 'Android',
'blackberry' => 'BlackBerry',
'BB' => 'BlackBerry',
'iphone' => 'iOS',
'ipad' => 'iOS',
'ipod' => 'iOS',
'os x' => 'Mac OS X',
'ppc mac' => 'Power PC Mac',
'freebsd' => 'FreeBSD',
'ppc' => 'Macintosh',
'Linux' => 'Linux',
'debian' => 'Debian',
'sunos' => 'Sun Solaris',
'beos' => 'BeOS',
'apachebench' => 'ApacheBench',
'aix' => 'AIX',
'irix' => 'Irix',
'osf' => 'DEC OSF',
'hp-ux' => 'HP-UX',
'netbsd' => 'NetBSD',
'bsdi' => 'BSDi',
'openbsd' => 'OpenBSD',
'gnu' => 'GNU/Linux',
'unix' => 'Unknown Unix OS',
'symbian' => 'Symbian OS',
'Nokia' => 'Nokia Mobile',
function __construct() {
$this->agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
public function getBrowser() {
$browser_name = "Unknown Browser";
foreach ($this->browsers as $key => $val) {
if (preg_match('|'.$key.'.|i', $this->agent, $match)) {
$browser_name = $val;
return $browser_name;
public function getOs() {
$device_name = "Unknown Platform";
foreach ($this->os as $key => $val) {
if (preg_match('|'.preg_quote($key).'|i', $this->agent)) {
$device_name = $val;
return $device_name;
public function getDeviceName() {
$mobile = "unknown";
foreach ($this->device_name as $key => $val) {
if (FALSE !== (stripos($this->agent, $key))) {
$mobile = $val;
return $mobile;
public function getCountry() {
$output = array(
"city" => 'unknown',
"state" => '',
"country" => '',
"country_code" => '',
"continent" => '',
"continent_code" => ''
$ip = $this->getIpAddress();
$continents = array(
"AF" => "Africa",
"AN" => "Antarctica",
"AS" => "Asia",
"EU" => "Europe",
"OC" => "Australia (Oceania)",
"NA" => "North America",
"SA" => "South America"
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
$ipdat = @json_decode(file_get_contents("".$ip));
if (@strlen(trim($ipdat->geoplugin_countryCode)) == 2) {
$output = array(
"city" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_city,
"state" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_regionName,
"country" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryName,
"country_code" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryCode,
"continent" => @$continents[strtoupper($ipdat->geoplugin_continentCode)],
"continent_code" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_continentCode
return $output;
public function getDevice() {
$tablet_browser = 0;
$mobile_browser = 0;
if (preg_match('/(tablet|ipad|playbook)|(android(?!.*(mobi|opera mini)))/i', strtolower($this->agent))) {
if (preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|android|iemobile)/i', strtolower($this->agent))) {
if ((strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']),'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml') > 0) or ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) or isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])))) {
$mobile_ua = strtolower(substr($this->agent, 0, 4));
$mobile_agents = array(
'w3c ','acs-','alav','alca','amoi','audi','avan','benq','bird','blac',
'wapr','webc','winw','winw','xda ','xda-');
if (in_array($mobile_ua,$mobile_agents)) {
if (strpos(strtolower($this->agent),'opera mini') > 0) {
if (preg_match('/(tablet|ipad|playbook)|(android(?!.*mobile))/i', $stock_ua)) {
if ($tablet_browser > 0) {
return 'Tablet';
else if ($mobile_browser > 0) {
return 'Mobile';
else {
return 'Desktop';
public function getIpAddress() {
$mainIp = '';
$mainIp = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$mainIp = 'UNKNOWN';
return $mainIp;
require './user-information.php';
$user_data = new UserInformation();
echo $user_data->getIpAddress();
echo $user_data->getBrowser();
echo $user_data->getOs();
echo $user_data->getDevice();
echo $user_data->getDeviceName();
$location = $user_data->getCountry();
echo $location['country'];
echo $location['state'];
echo $location['city'];
echo $location['country_code'];
echo $location['continent'];
echo $location['continent_code'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>User Information</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
#myTable {
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require './user-information.php';
$userInfo = new UserInformation();
$location = $userInfo->getCountry();
echo '<table id="myTable" width="100%">
<td>country code</td>
<td>Continent code</td>
<td>IP Address</td>
<td>Operating system</td>
<td>Device name</td>