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How are Latest Trends Redefining the SEO Industry in a New Way?

How are Latest Trends Redefining the SEO Industry in a New Way?

SEO keeps on evolving itself according to the latest technologies and Google Algorithm. Indeed, you would like to discover it extensively! Learn more about how to mold your previous content and design new content to achieve high search rankings.

Search Intent will be of higher importance.

Search Intent will be of higher importance

Search engines are placing intent at a higher level than keywords. Google BERT algorithm takes care of search intent. It checks if you have written content in the natural language. When a user searches for something, Google displays results according to intent rather than just words alone. 

  • You must be wondering, what is search intent?
  • The visitor wants to go to a specific brand site like Walmart, Nike, or Dell. 
  • The user desires to purchase a product with words like best buy, discount, and others.
  • The searcher needs to look for more information on a particular product. 
  • The customer is comparing various features of the products.

Nowadays, people are not moving linearly from getting acquainted, taking time for thinking, and then making a purchase. Therefore, Google advises every business to adopt automation. It will help in matching up with the unique journey of every customer. 

Artificial intelligence will be a big player.

Role of AI in SEO

AI is taking SEO at an altogether different position. Rankbrain algorithm tells the crawlers to save user searches for future reference.

Machine learning algorithms are personalizing the experience of every user. Pretty interesting? Yes. Search engines are aligning social media ads and other promotions with the client's behavior and needs. Users generally ignore random ads. 

A person wants to go abroad for studies when he sees the university ad and his desired courses at reasonable prices. So, the chances that he will consider this promotion has higher possibilities than shoe ads.   

Further, businesses can get insights into the market. For example, they can access which one of the products is in more demand than others. Thus, companies can design and manufacture their services accordingly.

AI is proving to be a boon for developing digital public relations. Imagine how it can boost the relevance and quality of the content. In addition, industries can track content gaps and competitor's best points with this technology quickly.

Voice searches will be taking center stage.

Role of Voice Search in SEO

Do you know that Natural language processing is expanding search engines' reach in every bit and corner of the world? Results in the mother language give the best buddy feeling. Thus, this technology is breaking all barriers and borders.

Voice assistance is benefiting both search engines and users. Visitors can converse with search engines in their natural tone. As a result, more businesses are adopting voice searches to reach their customer's hearts. 

Moreover, culture and local slang can become central to digital marketing techniques. For example, displaying offers and discounts using speech-to-text features can influence and mark the niche. 

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Intelligent assistants are evolving in the market like Alexa, Siri, and Google Nest. Buyers can conveniently use voice assistance to research products or place any orders.

Further, local SEO is seeing significant prominence in voice searches. People use words like 'near me' or 'local brands' to reach a particular destination. The listings like Google My Business convey the updated status of businesses to the customers.

Zero-click searches will get more effective.

Zero-click searches

In this digital-savvy era, search engines are evolving continuously. Have you noticed this upcoming trend?

Last year there were 65% zero-click searches. But, how is it possible? Featured snippets are helpful for users looking for brief information. 

There are separate categories in which search optimization works. For instance, if anyone is seeking information about a disease such as typhoid, they will see everything they want to know. Top stories, images, symptoms, treatment, causes, preventions, and other things are available in just one type. 

Digital marketers can focus on frequently asked questions. Indeed, Google has assigned a separate section for People Also Ask. Businesses can design content addressing the pain points and concern areas. Of course, knowledge graphs, video carousels, and descriptive information will always be a plus point for readers.

It's an art; how to represent your information in a user-friendly manner. Search engines consider more dwell-time as a ranking factor. Users decide in an instant whether to dive deeper or not in a glance. Short descriptions can easily pave the way for more conversions.

User experience will be a top-notch 

User experience

Users will always be the foremost priority for search engines. Thus, core web vitals will continue to improve to give the best user experience. 

Optimizing your website for enhancing user experience and user engagement is the best investment any company can make. Digital marketers keeping users on the top are always on the gaining side.

Do you notice how it is irritable when a website doesn't show up even after five seconds? It is due to a website loaded with many HD images and videos that takes a toll on the loading speed. However, compressed images with their optimal number improve visual understanding of the information. 

By the way, you can't ignore mobile usage. iPhones and smartphones are ruling the world wide web. So, how can search engines disregard mobile performance? 

Designers need to consider space constraints and readability while making the website Mobile ready. Discard extra pop-ups to avoid distracting the customers. Additionally, responsive designs tailored for all platforms are advantageous. It keeps the website experience the same for all devices.

Quality content will remain a strong base.

Quality content

Optimized and well-presented content acts as the foundation rock for any website. It's always easy to make a difference between crap content and content developed after proper research.

Readers understand production descriptions better with the help of multimedia. "How-to" videos and images with graphs and charts grab the user's attention instantly. 

Google uses highlight features these days to match up content with user's queries. Therefore, text covering multiple angles of the subjects lands upwards on SERPs. 

Besides this, Google takes video subtitles and descriptions to recognize the context of the video. A user puts in some query in the search console. Google advises users to watch a portion of the video matching with all the parameters.

Quality content is most effective in yielding authority backlinks. You can write value content in articles, blogs, guest blogs, or social media posts. It even earns you popular votes from resources websites. Backlinks are most influential in building a reputed website. Last but not least, it gives a boost in organic traffic.

More exploration of the Advanced image searches

The image search field still needs full channelization. Image recognition and identification went to a different degree with the Google lens search feature in 2018. Google always advocates the optimized images

Search engines cover many forms of images such as GIFs, Webp, and even image carousels. User convenience and aid is always the primary concern. 

Google advanced image search allows users to search images of a specific color, type, copyright, free, paid, or other photos. 

Social media is actively working on image research. Image filters and AR-based real-time pictures are attracting users towards it. Search engines are researching to include these advanced specifications in the search results.

Small and large enterprises can showcase their products in a detailed manner. Google GMB images let customers see what you're selling. Other customers can also put their reviews on Google images regarding your products. So, you can encourage the same. 

Google knowledge graphs and entities.

Do you know that Google maps out the website as an entity? Search engines figure out what the website is about, its niche field, services, and products. It even determines who you are, what you provide, and whom you serve. Google indexes your web page according to the requirement of the user.

Further, EAT: Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness will remain the determinant factors for SEO. Again, it's about your content. Are you an expert in your industry? Do you cover almost all the topics in your field? Customer retention, dwell time and internal linking governs the trustworthiness of your site.

Next, Knowledge graphs are the collection of information from different sources. Knowledge panels may include 


  • Images and a person's biography
  • Digital resources to access their work 
  • Links to their work. 

Entities can challenge the authentication of knowledge graphs and even recommend changes to them.


SEO trends keep on changing from time to time. Therefore, it's better to incorporate long-term optimization techniques like voice searches, FAQs, AR, and AI. SEO Company in India can provide you the fastest route to achieve genuine traffic in a short period with quality content and user-specific search intent. So, how are you planning to upgrade your SEO strategy?

Also Read:- The Impact of machine learning on digital marketing

Author Biography.

Ravi Sharma
Ravi Sharma

Content Writer

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