Manasa Godavarthy is the author of MudraMagik – an online handloom apparel brand. Manasa is a compound designer by calling whose heart lied on expressions and specialties. With an energy to accomplish something from her part to help the handloom business, she got together with her mother KanyaKumari who had a similar enthusiasm. This mother and little girl began their own online handloom apparel brand that upholds weavers and craftsmans across Andhra and Telangana states in India. Manasa shares more about her business story with WOI-Womenpreneursofindia.
For any individual who needs to be a business person, 'Simply bounce into the ocean, you will pick up swimming yourself!' And, know that – in light of the fact that you are being true and fair, you can't anticipate the equivalent consequently. You do your part right; things will fall set up. If not presently, somewhat later!
I'm Manasa Godavarthy and my mother is Kanya Kumari. I experienced childhood in a working class family in Andhra Pradesh. I was constantly intrigued by expressions and artworks yet because of different reasons in life I was unable to seek after expressions, plan or design. I made compound designing as my calling and have been in the field for more than 10 years. As a child, I have seen my mother work with the weavers in the mid 90s and was affected hearing their battles because of no interest for handloom. From that point forward, the enthusiasm and fire inside me to do my spot for the handloom business had been blending. My mother and father brought me up as an autonomous mastermind and I am so modestly pleased to say that I am an independent individual.
KanyaKumari: I have been an instructor for my entire life and I am an extremely solid worth arranged individual and I instruct that to my children as well. At the point when Manasa disclosed to me that she needs to revive the work with handloom which I was unable to proceed because of monetary reasons, I was so glad to train her what I know and work alongside her to benefit this industry. Right now, because of wellbeing reasons, I have resigned from instructing however I am a social extremist spreading mindfulness on organ gift and young lady youngster schooling separated from developing MudraMagik.
MudramagikManasa: My mother planned to class, making the most of her work with kids, and I was in the USA seeking after higher investigations and a task. I needed to get back to India for an open position, that is the point at which I understood the time has come to follow up on my tragically missing enthusiasm – working with handloom weavers. That is the way I began searching for a name, mother's weaver sources and her notes from 1995 and began envisioning in my mind; how we needed to begin, yet well I was dumbfounded! I had a requesting regular work and no business experience, yet well one thing we have in our family is assurance and coarseness! Thus, I began indiscriminately to simply accept my drive and made my first visit to meet weavers in Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh alongside the seed sum being my compensation.
mmsareeOur brand aim is to zero in on bringing the best handloom from in and around Andhra and Telangana states and keep things basic, reasonable, natural and genuine. We center around making exceptional sarees by tweaking them with hand block prints and screen prints and we call this arrangement #theMagikTouch. The second thing we are truly pleased with is we find little towns in the state where weaving is as yet pervasive however nearly approaching end. We advocate those weaves on our image, naming the arrangement – #discoverweaveswithMM.
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The most troublesome thing for us was to see how an online business functions and how to fabricate a devotee base. Additionally, something else was that we got loads of undesirable advices, which was very diverting now and again from adhering to our exceptional selling purpose of the specially designing. Our first year was extremely hard in light of the fact that I was situated in Mumbai for work, Amma was in vizag, weavers were all over Andhra and our square print craftsman were in vizag. We needed to secure, plan the print, complete them, click pictures and afterward put them available to be purchased. In this way, dealing with every one of these means from various geological areas was the greatest test. In any case, love and energy caused us to do everything. Each other end of the week, I used to make a trip from Mumbai to Hyderabad by a late night flight, get a short-term transport to vijayawada, arrive at early morning and head to mangalagiri for picking the sarees. It was strong feverish. However, we did it!
mmsaree2Me being a determined daring individual growing up with less independence from the rat race, I began little. Our first group of sarees was a cluster of 19. Many of our first clump got sold inside loved ones, as they all cherished the plans and shading decisions. Our first deal was to a companion who lives in the USA. Continuously we hit 1000 folowers on Instagram which I consider as a greatest achievement. Some way or another it was a truly surprising second for me which gave me the certainty that my image will be esteemed for the standards we work on. We have exceptionally moderate costs; we don't give limits as we don't increase our offers high. We are straightforward individuals and we keep every little thing about us basic and legit! Taking a gander at the expansion of the accompanying inside 2-3 months, it gave me gigantic bliss and it seemed like my persistent effort of transport voyages will pay off.
My emotionally supportive network is my prime supporter – my mother! I haven't considered anybody to be solid as my mother, she and father had too much good and bad times yet, they were determined consistently and their expectation won't ever kick the bucket. At whatever point I face any failure, my mother is the person who shows me the positive side of that circumstance. I might want to tell about an occurrence where we delivered out a bundle of 3 sarees to a woman who asserted it to be a present for her educator's birthday and said it should be transported right away. Despite the fact that we didn't get the request cash, we transported out the items dependent on an exchange ID she imparted to us. Yet, we never got the cash! That request worth was nearly our benefits in the wake of selling 7-8 sarees.kanya and manasa We attempted a great deal to associate with her and her educator yet none turned around. I was crushed to realize how individuals can do such things. My mother was the person who conversed with me and delivered me once again from the most exceedingly terrible experience. Notwithstanding her, this would have been an exceptionally troublesome excursion. I additionally accept we learn as we develop. You need to believe your gut is the lone thing I have learnt, in an unexpected way. We can't be excessively guileless, yet we need to believe that as long as we are being straightforward, we will be acceptable!
As a business person, it feels incredible, extraordinary to have the option to try and call ourselves, business visionaries! That is 'on the grounds that, we set out to take the jump! Yet, all things considered, the excursion is excessively long ahead. As of now, we are managing numbers in 10s and 100s, we wish to make it to 1000s each group. Likewise, with that request take off, the cutting edge weavers will show more intrigue in dominating the expertise they normally create watching their folks weave. In India, we are profoundly talented and the plenitude of workmanship and culture we have. With MudraMagik's development, we wish to gladly exhibit the equivalent to the world.
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We trust in #letsgrowtogether.We additionally work with ladies and brands that are adding to the handloom business their own particular manner. In conclusion I would say, 'Recollect! At the point when we pay for a hand lingered, hand block printed saree, we will be paying for a group of the weaver, and the group of the printing craftsman!'