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“From ‘Why business?’ to ‘Do it & I will support you’ !” – Naveena Karthika, Clothing Designer/Founder – ‘Medley of Sarees’

“From ‘Why business?’ to ‘Do it & I will support you’ !” – Naveena Karthika, Clothing Designer/Founder – ‘Medley of Sarees’

“From ‘Why business?’ to ‘Do it & I will support you’ !” – Naveena Karthika, Clothing Designer/Founder – ‘Medley of Sarees’

Naveena Karthika is a mompreneur who runs her own attire configuration brand – 'Variety of Sarees'. Being a specialist and MBA graduate, she has been working in IT and funds. In any case, having reality during her underlying long periods of parenthood, she needed to begin something of her own, that she couldn't want anything more than to do. Paying attention to up her companion's proposal, she ended up being a womenpreneur today. Naveena imparts to WomenpreneursOfIndia – WOI about her business venture. 

I'm Naveena Karthika Ponnusamy. I run a web based garments configuration space called 'Mixture of Sarees', where we plan to give happy with apparel to ladies and kids. I'm an exhaustive Coimbatore Ponnu, as I have been here for my entire life and love it here. My folks and my close family are holding nothing back and around Coimbatore, so I love that my girl who is 3.5 years old, will be around practically all individuals who love me and have been a piece of my youth. 

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I'm fundamentally an architect with a MBA close by. I have been in IT and furthermore in the monetary speculative stock investments world. Yet, I surmise both of it didn't really draw out that something extraordinary in me. I have consistently accepted that when we do what we love, there is a delight in whatever we make. 

At the point when my girl was a year old and I believed, I had the opportunity and space to really accomplish something different, I began Medley dependent on a recommendation, which a dear companion of mine gave, while having one of our many talks. Instagram was new and we didn't have a great deal of financial choices for pregnancy and nursing taking care of cordial dresses around. Thus, I thought why not. All things considered, I love garments and tones (my mother and auntie have an incredible insight with regards to garments and I grew up watching them) and business was in my blood (my father has been working together from days of yore and is a lot of an independent man). Thus, I consolidated both my delights and that is the means by which Medley was conceived. 

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The most troublesome thing about beginning a business was reserves and the thought (it must be something other than what's expected). I would not like to acquire anything from my family; I needed it to be my own. I'm obstinate that way. Along these lines, I put taking all things together the cash that I had saved from my work days and just hopped head on into work. My tailors and others who are essential for the Medley family simply happened very quickly. 

My first deal outside of my close family was to 'the' companion who started the possibility of Medley in me. I made birthday garments for her child and little girl. Those garments stay exceptional to me even today since, they were the initial ones I anticipated and worked for. It was unadulterated satisfaction to make something uncommon for their unique day. 

At the point when I made my 100th dress, it was exceptional for me. I didn't tell anybody, not even my family and didn't post about it. I just invested significant time for myself and treated myself to a lunch alone at my number one food place and composed a note to myself that every single dress I make ought to stay as uncommon as everything about 100 dresses. 

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Indeed, even now I believe I need to become familiar with a ton. I don't come from a style planning back ground. So I attempt to get familiar with each and all that I can think about it. I continue to search for approaches to make garments which are agreeable, which cause you to feel better and which are your own. I have confronted a ton of issues like different organizations replicating my work, re areas and not having the option to focus on business since I telecommute and I deal with my home all alone with a pre-schooler around. My family have been my stone. My significant other has been the individual who has gone from 'For what reason would you like to do a business' to 'Take the necessary steps and I will uphold you'. It helps a great deal since we live in an atomic help. Be that as it may, my folks ( my mother particularly) are close by and are consistently prepared to help me in any capacity they can. 

Arranging has consistently been something I have been terrible at. Be that as it may, when you need to shuffle a great deal of things and on the off chance that you don't design, you will undoubtedly fall flat. So it's something I have been figuring out how to do and I continue to deal with it. I attempt to set up my suppers before 9.30, so I have the entire day in front of me to work or do different things. I plan visits to the fitting unit 1-2 times each week and I have someone else there who takes care of different days. 

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I actually battle with overseeing home and work. Since I telecommute, there is no specific time for work or home and I feel it influences the quality time I go through with my girl. I'm attempting to perceive how I can change that. Showcasing and arriving at new clients has consistently been informal exchange for Medley. I battle with and lament the sluggish speed of development now and then. At that point I address one of my family or my companions and I am in the groove again. It's constantly been that basic for me. I simply need to hear an empowering word or an embrace and I can feel like I can take on anything. 

I feel we simply need to deal with something strong for business, ensure it's something you love and simply fire up. It very well may be something minuscule, yet just when you really do it, you will get it, find out about it and develop. What's more, consistently, consistently take help when you need it. 

– says Naveena.


18 Feb, 2021




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